洗小净 开始之前,先举意自己要洗小净,然后说:
Ash-hadu anlla ilaaha illallaah wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu was rasooluh (我作证万物非主,唯有安拉。我又作证穆罕默德是他的仆人和使者。)
Allahuma ij-‘alnee minat-tawabeen waj-‘alnee minalmutatahireen (哦真主啊!求你使我成为悔过并归信你的人之一,求你使我成为纯洁自净的人之一。)
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:“Whoever performs Wudu’ well then says, (the mentioned supplication); the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him to enter through any one he wills. Muslim
Wudu Tip – Forget-fullness If a person forgets whether they have nullified their wudu’ or not, then this does NOT nullify their ablution, regardless of whether the person is praying or not, until they are certain that they have nullified their ablution.
Wudu Tip – Menstruation A menstruating or post natal woman must not pray as long as blood is visible and her missed prayers do not have to be made up.
The following actions nullify the Wudu – i.e. it has to be performed again in order to pray. These are in regards to both men and women:
1. Passing wind.
2. Passing urine or faeces
3. Full mouth vomiting
4. Flowing of blood or pus from any part of the body.
5. Deep sleep, whereby one loses awareness.
6. Unconsciousness or intoxication
7. Touching the private parts with the hand and fingers without a barrier.
8. Intimate relations*
*Actions which Nullify the Wudu *It is mandatory for a person to take a full bath/shower after having intimate relations with their husband/wife in order to be in a state of purity for prayer.